A little about me …
My name is Judith Feliciano. I go by many aliases: Mom, wife, Daughter, sister, Titi, friend, teacher, healing facilitator…but mostly I am just a human, flawed in all the ways we humans are, on a mission to help others feel safe in their bodies.
Due to trauma, stress, childhood experiences, injury, illness, chronic conditions, and mental health, many of us have found our bodies and minds to be a mine field rather than a haven. We walk through life disconnected from our nervous system, oblivious to the signals it is trying to send us, or confused about what to do with said signals. I lived that way for a long long time. Burn out, disassociation, and dis-ease have become the norm in our society, wearing exhaustion and pain as badges of honor. But it does not have to be that way. Rest and healing are not a privilege, they are your right. Just as it is your right to exist in your body, exactly as it is, in this world.
After years of personal struggles, and then years of study, I have witnessed tremendous transformation in my own life and those around me. Surrendering to healing, in all its beauty and pain, has created a depth of compassion and recognition within that has guided me to my dharma of helping and empowering others. All of the tools I use: yoga, reiki, meditation, sound and vibration, are the modalities I have incorporated into my own life and healing journey. I know that with guidance, patience, and love, growth is not only possible, it can be illuminating in unimaginable ways. Give yourself a chance. Give yourself grace. You are your greatest teacher. You deserve to find your light.
Thank you for trusting me. I’m here to hold the hope with you. Much love and many blessings.